Good weather finally arrived, so we recently jumped in the VW and went for a little 4 days journey to visit some Ontarian homies. Good times were had, and Vincent snapped a bunch of nice pictures. Hit the Read More link for a short read mixed with some nice pictures!
Weather was terrible in Montreal on that thursday morning, all Vincent and myself could do was hope for the sun to shine around Toronto for the upcoming days. We drove to Ottawa to pick up Jeremy and the weather was getting better and better along the way. We picked up that badboy and then headed to Toronto while stopping at Arby's to enjoy those delicious curly fries. Our first stop was the Trenton skatepark, its a little beat up and sketchy, more of a windy kindergarden, but still, compared to the skateparks we have in Quebec, this place was awesome.
Loads of annoying little kids and girls running around everywhere and screaming which made it hard to flow around without getting mad but it was still really fun to ride something new.
There was this one kid that was just trying to get as close as possible to Vincent's camera, always getting in the way, but life took care of this: at some point the kid jumped on the back of his skateboard and got it straight in the face. He wasnt really hurt so its all good.
Then we packed the car, hit the road again and drove the couple hours we needed to get to Matt's place. The next day, Matt has this sick little setup in his backyard so we gave it a session, no need to say that Matt rides this thing like a boss.
Rode this for a bit and then headed to Markham skatepark, which is just so great compared to what we have in Quebec. Unfortunately our good friend the rain showed up so we headed to Joyride and rode there for a couple hours, grabbed some beers and called it a night around a little bonfire in Matt's backyard. Next morning was sunny so we headed to Richmond Green skatepark with Kent and Ryan. Kent definitly has his swag right.
After spending a couple hours there we decided to drive to another concrete park which was filled with skateboarders for a while making it hard to ride, but even 2 flat tires in an hour didnt stop Matt at all.
We then repeated the bonfire and beer combo and called it a night. Next day we had a super fun sesh at Markham skatepark again, grabbed some food and got back on the road to head back to Montreal. Super fun weekend, Thanks a lot to the Macduff family for always being awesome with us and everybody at Joyride. All those pictures come from Vincent Allard's lens, you see, he's not only good at filming afterall!

May 16, 2011

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